Monday, October 10, 2011

Of Deco - Brides bedroom

Quilt covers & pillow sheet settled. Fuh! What a BIG relief!
I got it at Aussino with Mama the other day.
And it only cost me at RM219.00 because the Salesgirl gave her own members price.
Which was 60% from original price. Ain't she a sweetheart!
Maybe this is also what people call as "rezeki kahwin"

Since my wedding bedroom has a really small space.
I need to make the deco as simple as possible.
But still looks amazing for a wedding.
Therefore I thought maybe I should concentrate on having fancy cushions like below.

taken from google

I think its DIYable. But I'm such a lazy bum.
Can I just buy it from somewhere?


Daisypath Wedding tickers